Joint Health and Safety Certification Level 1

As mandated by Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act, all workplaces that employ more than 20 labourers must establish and maintain a Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) to oversee and ensure the protection of their workers. In this course, participants will discuss why Joint Health and Safety Committees are important, examine the Occupational Health and Safety Act’s various requirements and penalties, and identify opportunities for improved Health and Safety measures in their own organizations.

The first stage of JHSC training centres around identifying and preventing workplace hazards through the supervision of Safety Representatives and the compliance of employees and managers. This course provides a solid foundation for understanding JHSC-implemented measures, and represents a manufacturing organization’s first steps towards keeping their workforce protected.

During the discussion based training, the following subjects are discussed and reviewed as part of this course:

  • Introduction to the Occupational Health and Safety Act — requirements, penalties, and particularities.
  • Introduction to Joint Health and Safety Committees and related policies and programs.
  • Duties performed by Joint Health and Safety Committees.
  • Identifying workplace hazards through risk assessments and investigations.
  • Employee responsibilities and rights regarding Health and Safety.
  • Workplace accident response activities.
  • Supporting your organization’s Joint Health and Safety Committee.

DURATION: Three (3) Eight-Hour Sessions

LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Virtual or In-Person Classroom

SCHEDULE: Virtual, June 5, 2023

Training is available in English.