Health, Safety and the Law

All Health & Safety Representatives and supervisors are required to be trained in Ontario. For those companies that are required to have a H&S Rep, but not large enough to need a JHSC are now required to provide Health & Safety Representatives with training that will allow them to perform their tasks as a safety representative.

Participants will receive training in the following elements:

  • Understanding the Occupational Health & Safety Act and why Health & Safety is so important
  • Duties and responsibilities of employers, supervisors, workers and those of a H&S Representative
  • What is the role of a H&S Rep/Supervisor and how they play an important function in keeping the workplace safe.
  • How to Recognize a hazards
  • How to conduct a hazard risk assessment and use the RACE method of controlling identified hazards
  • How to conduct an effective Workplace Inspection
  • Accident / Incident Investigation Essentials
  • How to make a safety recommendation to the employer.
  • What will be your next steps

DURATION: One (1) Eight-Hour Session

LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Virtual or In-Person Classroom

SCHEDULE: Virtual - May 5, 2023

Training is available in English.